Sunday, April 26, 2015

We were able to have dinner w/ the adorable Kahi Family :D at this cute little resturant across from mission bay near the city :) The food was exquisite and the company was SUPERB! :) After dinner we paddled a bit in mission bay and the drove through the city and admired the beautiful people of Auckland and teh lovely lights!!

Kahi Family Fun

First P-day together in ages, so ofcourse we spent it with the full time sister missionaries. Here is our Righteous Lineage :)
Sister Porter begat (trained) Sister Phillips, who begat Sister Cavora, who begat Sister Brown who begat Sister Kulu :D 

Sister Cristobel Posala was one of our favorite members in Mangere Bridge. She is now married and such a great example for us to look up to. After she and her sweet husband took us out for a delicious Korean Dinner, we had a girls night with of course GIRLTALK, BROWNIES, ATTEMPTED MOVIES, GOSSIP, CATCH UPS,and ICE CREAM!! #OnlyTheBest :D

We Welcomed Home on of our fellow #NZAM-ites Elder Siale :) And we had so much fun dancing and spending time with familiar faces that we love so much!

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